
Zdjęcie - Office slut makes her coworkers happy, and her husband proud!

Office slut makes her coworkers happy, and her husband proud!


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Jimmy Rrr
best penetrated from behind, kneeling on her chair with her panties still on and moved to one side. Bliss..
@Jimmy Rrr From behind is my favourite. And I'm not wearing panties ;-)
@blowme1989 then the boss gets a blow job. So does the b0y in the mail room. I believe I should do what I can to maintain employee morale.
Jimmy Rrr
A nice smooth fuck from behind then Vera, but sometimes I like to pull those panties to one side to expose the soft cunt beneath.....
@Jimmy Rrr Well then, I'll wear my special panties just for you :-)
Jimmy Rrr
You are just too nice, Vera ! I'm getting even harder just thinking about it. They've got to be those turquoise ones with the lime green butterflies...? Please tell me they are.
Jimmy Rrr
not the lime green ones then...? So just what are your special panties Vera?
@Jimmy Rrr I've got white ones with pink flowers... would you like that? Escept they have cum stains on the crotch, because I keep them on after men cum in me. I hope you don't mind ;-)
Jimmy Rrr
Vera, that is just absolutely gross! You should get your men to get down between your legs and suck their cum from your pussy, not ruin a perfectly decent pair of panties. You need to be punished....
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